Take on Tech: Client Solutions for Maintaining Business Ops

It’s been almost a year since Newfoundland & Labrador experienced its’ first Covid-19 lockdown. Since that time, organizations have demonstrated a lot of resilience in adapting to remote operations. Whether it’s video conferencing, virtual events, file-sharing, online shopping, or the many other pivots we’ve had to make, we can all agree: technology has changed the landscape of everything we do.

Even with the many enduring challenges of lockdown and social distancing, technology can help us overcome some of the gaps and continue operations in an unusual and stressful time. Here’s some of the tools our clients have brought to the market to help your team keep things going. All these companies are based here in Newfoundland & Labrador, so the added advantage is supporting local!

OliverPOS is an ingenious point-of-sale system that manages your inventory, sales, orders and customers all from the same place. Moving your in-store or at-home business online is the perfect way to maintain virtual customer service. Their software works with Android, PC and Mac devices so it pairs perfectly with devices you already have.

Castr is a live-streaming and multi-streaming solution that allows you to stream to multiple sites at once, so you can reach as many people as possible with your virtual event. They’ve also removed some common pain points from the streaming process, such as auto-recording events so you can re-share the content, and they have multiple plans depending on how many channels you want to use.

TxtSquad is a team-based texting solution for businesses which empowers all team members to receive and answer customer inquiries from a common local number. Just log into the app from your phone, computer or tablet and get your sales underway! Their app eliminates the confusing mess of multiple phones, numbers and messaging apps where inquiries can get lost or ignored. Perfect for small businesses offering curbside pickup, delivery and other contactless forms of commerce.

Creatros Technologies Inc offers SkillsHawk, a skills-searching platform which allows employers to mine their current project-management software, such as Jira, for the perfect employee for a given skill base. Imagine needing to know if your team has someone who knows a certain programming language – just type the query in, and SkillsHawk will rank a qualified list of employees with that skill set. Project planning never looked so easy! It’s also a great tool for HR to determine training, hiring and professional development needs and onboarding new team members who can use SkillsHawk to identify fellow colleagues to assist in valuable internal company knowledge transfer.

Rally offers law firms a perfect way to serve their clients in the digital age. No more hours of wasted billable time spent drafting routine documents or endless emails back and forth. Rally’s platform manages it all from client intake to drafting, collaboration, signatures, and more. Rally shows even highly traditional industries like legal services can move their services into the modern age!

Filling the business gaps caused by Covid-19 also presents opportunities to pivot services permanently. Customers enjoy the flexibility of digital commerce and that’s not going anywhere after lockdowns have eased. Integrating technology solutions into your business means you have an edge on fulfilling their expectations, and keeping them coming back long after Covid-19 is over.
